
Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions

You have questions; Van Sant Law has answers tailored to your needs. On this page, we address common Georgia car accident FAQs. Whether you have questions about the insurance claims process, hiring an attorney, or obtaining compensation for your injuries, we have the clear, straightforward answers you need.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSQ: Should I Talk to the Other Driver’s Insurance If It Asks for My Statement?

A: Sometimes, accident victims think they are obligated to provide statements to the other party’s insurance adjuster. However, there is no such requirement. In fact, giving a statement to the other party’s insurance company could jeopardize your ability to obtain full and fair compensation for your losses.

The full extent of your injuries may not yet be apparent. What’s more, you could accidentally implicate yourself in your statement. As a best practice, let your personal injury attorney handle all communications and negotiations on your behalf.

Q: If the Accident Wasn’t My Fault, Why Hire a Lawyer Instead of Handling It Myself?

A: While you don’t technically need an attorney to handle your personal injury claim, it could be a mistake to take a do-it-yourself approach. Personal injury attorneys are experienced at accurately valuing losses, and often capture direct and indirect expenses victims hadn’t considered.

In addition, your attorney is adept at negotiating with large insurance companies and their legal teams. In the event the other party’s insurer is not willing to settle the claim for fair compensation, your lawyer will be prepared to litigate the matter in court, to help you obtain the best possible outcome.

Q: How Much Do Injury Lawyers Typically Charge for Car Accident Cases?

A: Most personal injury law firms operate on a contingent-fee basis. This means that you do not pay anything out-of-pocket for your legal representation! Your lawyer is only paid if he or she is successful in securing a settlement or jury award on your behalf. In that case, your attorney will receive a pre-agreed percentage of your settlement.

Q: When Do I Need to Contact the Insurance Company to Make a Claim for Injuries?

A: You should always let your insurance company know about accidents right away. It is also a good idea to contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. Georgia law says that if you want to file a claim for compensation against another driver, you have up to two years from the date of the accident, in most cases.

However, as time passes, it may become more difficult to gather documentation and evidence to support your claim. If the accident involved a government vehicle, there are additional time limits and requirements you’ll need to meet to recover compensation. Your personal injury lawyer can help ensure you meet all required timelines to file your claim.

Q: What if the Responsible Driver Works for Lyft or Uber? What’s Their Insurance Coverage Limit?

A: As rideshare services grow in popularity, the incidence of injury accidents involving rideshare drivers is also rising. Determining insurance coverage for injury accidents in these cases can be complicated. Rideshare drivers are typically required to have their own auto insurance policies. The rideshare company then also provides certain insurance coverage to drivers involved in accidents while working. For the best chances of obtaining a full and fair settlement for your claim, talk to an attorney who has experience negotiating with insurers after rideshare accidents.

Q: What if My Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover All My Medical Costs?

A: Medical expenses after a car accident can be significant. Unfortunately, your health insurance policy may not provide adequate coverage to meet your needs and the bills can add up quickly. If the other driver or another party was negligent, reckless, or careless, and their actions led to the accident, you are entitled to pursue compensation for your medical expenses.

However, you will need to prove liability to receive the funds you are owed. Your car accident lawyer will work to help ensure your claim includes all your medical expenses, and will fight to help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

Q: What Types of Compensation Can I Seek After a Car Accident?

A: Under Georgia law, victims of car accidents caused by someone else’s negligence are entitled to compensation. Generally, your personal injury claim can include actual and anticipated medical expenses, lost income, damage to your vehicle or other personal property, pain and suffering, mental anguish, disfigurement, loss of companionship, and more. Talk to an experienced car accident attorney about the specific facts and circumstances of your accident.

Q: How Do You Calculate Damages for Pain and Suffering?

A: In addition to medical expenses and lost income, your personal injury claim may include damages designed to compensate you for pain and suffering. Pain and suffering is not easy to calculate. In some cases, a scale of 1-5 is used as a multiplier for your known, economic damages.

With this scale, a rating of 1 may be used for accidents with relatively minor injuries and 5 is reserved for catastrophic damage. In other situations, insurers may assign a per diem amount for every day of the victim’s medical care.

Q: What if the Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance?

A: If the responsible driver did not have insurance coverage at all or was underinsured, you may be able to recover compensation for your losses from your own auto insurance company. Your personal injury attorney can help you understand coverages and options for pursuing a claim to pay for your medical expenses, vehicle damages, lost income, and other losses.

Q: What Should I Do if the Accident Was a Hit-and-Run?

A: You may still be able to recover compensation for your losses after a hit-and-run accident. As with any accident, it’s important to seek prompt medical attention, report the accident to the authorities, and document as much as you can about the incident. An experienced personal injury attorney who has handled claims for other hit-and-run accident victims can evaluate the relative strength of your claim and help you understand your options for pursuing compensation.

Remember that your personal injury attorney is a great resource for all your car accident questions and answers. If you have questions that weren’t answered here, contact Van Sant Law today!

Client Reviews
From the first time I called them to the current status of my case, has been by my side through it all. I would like to thank everyone in Van Sant Law for answering any questions that I have in a timely manner. I can personally say, Everyone in deserves recognition for being honest, hard working, ethical, logical, dedicated people. The only reason I rated them 5 stars is because it would not let me go higher! Hilary
I was in a car accident with a tractor trailer two years ago and David Van Sant came highly recommended for someone I could talk to about the situation. Best decision I've ever made! He fought for me in ways that was truly amazing. David and his crew worked so hard to come to a great conclusion on my case. Thank you David, Michael and everyone in the office. Mary
Attorney David M. VanSant is one of the best injury trial attorneys here in the Atlanta area. They are precise and unique in their approach. When I had my car accident, my whole world was turned upside down, but with Attorney VanSant and his team of professionals dedication and quality of service, my life is back on track. Let the VanSant team handle your case! You're in good hands. Crystal
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